RIDE 'n' WIN Demo

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RIDE 'n' WIN Overview


In a nut-shell RIDE 'N' WIN is a unique form of ENHANCED gambling at it's best

RIDE 'n' WIN is an INTERACTIVE game that runs on a 4-reel SLOT, that functions on a very popular UK sports bet with SPORTS-math's. It also has a twist with an original and quite stupendous side-bet with "over the top" pay-outs defying the mathematical law of odds. This is exploited in the DELUXE GAME a real game inside the game, where some money credit is gambled to win "Big Time” in “NO Time”. In other word’s: very rapid big win potential, and hedge-betting Base bets against Deluxe bets is a great way to increase chance of a win on either.

On the basic game itself players select their 4 choices to win, and every winner earns a star to mark progress to the bonus game deelivering a nice 4-way Hi-Lo selection giving gamblers a real chance to select their own safest volatility level, to either win back losses, or win even more if their luck is in town.

This is NOT a 5x3, 6x4, or hybrid, but is a brilliant and absolutely original online casino game down to the very core with a projected 96.19% RTP. Being an Interactive game & selecting their own bets like on American Roulette, players feel an urge to air-punch their own selected bet that win's, rather than sit & watch a Random Generator decide their fate and be denied those feel-good factor winning air-punches while their wallets go empty. Ride 'n' Win is simply a unique and immersive experience where all gamblers can think about their own choice of destiny, which is what one can't say about 99% of most games, as the Deluxe Game offers suspense & thrilling roller-coaster rides and mega-money winners, all arising from the player making his own choice of the betting icons from selecting an easy SINGLE icon, DOUBLE, TRIPLE. or sky-high paying QUAD.

This is no replica hybrid 5x3 or 6x4 grid/bloc game, but is in fact to date, the only online game in 21st modern history to combine SPORTS, SLOT and totally real INTERACTIVE play, that would add to an existing operator’s portfolio because of the TOTAL “TRIPLE TRAFFIC ATTRACTION” effect of the Interactive, Slot, and Sport genres, combining forces to pull in more player's & gamble on something completely different, and for that alone, Ride 'n' WIN could probably be one of the great enhanced gambling games ever.

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