We have partnered up with WordPress theme developer Mercury to make it easier than ever for casino affiliates to add free demo slots to their websites.

Over the past several years, Mercury has emerged as one of the most widely used WordPress themes among affiliates in the iGaming industry and we couldn’t be happier to be teaming up with them.

As a result of this partnership, Mercury has created a custom WordPress theme with our popular Slots Launch plugin pre-installed. This means that all of our 13,000+ demo slots from 400+ game providers are immediately available right out of the box to any affiliates who choose to use this custom Mercury theme on their websites.

In addition to creating a custom WordPress theme with the Slots Launch plugin pre-installed, Mercury has confirmed that our plugin is fully compatible with their entire selection of themes. For example, we are using the Mercury Casino 3 theme on our own demo site. This is great news for existing affiliates utilizing any of the Mercury themes because it ensures that our plugin can be added seamlessly with minimal effort.

Here at Slots Launch, we have been getting regular emails from affiliates asking us which themes to use on their WordPress sites and although our plugin is compatible with most WordPress themes, we don’t hesitate to recommend Mercury to any of our users because of their great reputation among iGaming affiliates.

Click here to learn more about the Slots Launch plugin for WordPress.

Click here to browse through all the different Mercury WordPress themes.