Advertise with Slots Launch

Game Promotion Packages

Promote Your Games to 170,000+ Monthly Users

If you’re a game provider and you’re looking to boost exposure for your games, there’s no better place to do so than on Slots Launch. With an audience of 170,000+ monthly users, compromised of affiliates, casino operators, players, and many other key stakeholders in the industry, your games are guaranteed to reach your perfect target market.

Best of all, our game promotion system is fully automated, allowing you to schedule game promotions to start either immediately or in advance to coincide with the release date of your upcoming games. We publish our latest reach metrics right here on this page so you’ll always have a clear idea of the level of exposure your games will receive when promoting your games on Slots Launch.

Latest Reach Metrics

  • Pageviews: 1,403
  • Unique Users: 861
  • Times Played: 1,386
  • Thumbnail Impressions: 69,321
  • Unique Impressions: 23,024

The screenshot above is an example of our fully automated game promotion system. If you have an account with us, you can access this system via our Mission Control for game providers. If you don’t have an account with us yet, please contact us and we’ll provide you with a login to our platform that will grant you access to this area.

What's Included

Our default promotion package, priced at just $250, includes featured placements in 5 high-traffic areas of our website for a duration of 7-days. The 5 placement areas are explained in detail below.

Placement #1: Homepage Games Slider


Your game will be shown with a featured ribbon on our homepage in our “New & Upcoming Slots” slider for a duration of 7-days.

Placement #2: Games Page


Your game will be shown with a featured ribbon at the top of our games page for a duration of 7-days.

Placement #3: Featured Games Widget


Your game will be shown in our “Featured Games” widget, which is displayed on all 23662+ of our game pages, for a duration of 7-days.

Placement #4: Providers Page


Your company will be shown with a featured ribbon at the top of our providers page for a duration of 7-days.

Placement #5: Homepage Providers Section


Your company will be shown with a featured ribbon on our homepage in our “Game Providers” section for a duration of 7-days.

Bonus Placement: WordPress Plugin Widget


As an extra incentive, your game will be shown in the “Featured Games” widget on all 23662+ game pages within our popular WordPress plugin, which is installed on 600+ casino affiliate websites.

Optional: Blog Burst

For an additional fee, our expert team will write a dedicated blog post about your game, which will be shared on our LinkedIn page with 3,800+ followers.

Optional: Game Review Boost

For an additional fee, our expert team will write a complete review of your game, which will be permanently added to your game page.

Optional: LinkedIn Blast

For an additional fee, your game will receive a featured mention in our weekly LinkedIn newsletter, which is sent to 2,200+ subscribers and climbing.

Bulk Discounts

In addition to our fully automated system, where our default promotion package is priced at just $250, we also offer bulk discounts for quarterly and yearly placements. Our quarterly price is $2,500, which includes 13 game promotion packages (roughly $192 per package). Our yearly price is $9,000, which includes 52 game promotion packages (roughly $173 per package).

If you choose our quarterly or yearly packages, your allotment of game promotion packages will not expire and you will be free to use them as frequently or infrequently as you see fit. Please contact us directly if you’re interested in our quarterly or yearly packages and we will send you an invoice with payment information as well as a marketing agreement to be signed by both parties.

Key Takeways

  • check Promote your games to 170,000+ monthly users
  • check Fully automated system - schedule game promotions to start immediatley or in the future
  • check Bulk discounts avaialble for quarterly or yearly placements

Advertise with Slots Launch

Please contact us directly if you’d like to advertise with Slots Launch.